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Bible Study Helps and Lessons
Are you looking for answers to life's questions? Do you want to know what the Bible says about a certain subject or issue?

If you are, you have come to the right place. We offer a variety of free Bible Studies and Bible courses to meet your needs.
Group: You are invited to attend our weekly New Believers’ Bible Study hour every Sabbath morning during Sabbath School lesson study. The classes are as follows. For more information on a class, please contact us and we will put you in touch with the respective teacher. Together we look forward to growing spiritually!
New Believers’ Bible Class (Post-Baptismal)
Baptismal Bible Study Class (Pre-Baptismal)
Youth Bible Class (Pre-Baptismal)
Children's Bible Class (Pre-Baptismal)
In addition to the above, join our brothers and sisters in the world church reading a chapter of the Bible every day. For more details on the Believe His Prophets initiative and the daily Bible reading plan, visit the Revival and Reformation web site.
Distance: If you live in the National Capital Region of Canada, you can participate in a correspondence BibleSchool by e-mailing us, or by writing to the following postal address:
Discover Bible School
P.O. Box 23157
Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 4E2
Be sure to include your name and return address, so we'll know to whom to send the study guides.
Web-based: If you prefer to do an online Bible study, please follow the free online Bible Study guides listed below or visit Hope Talk, one of North America’s premier Bible Study Sites.
Additional Resources
Sabbath School
Sabbath School is the primary religious education system of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and has four purposes: study of the Scriptures, fellowship, community outreach, and world mission emphasis. Every week small groups get together to share what they learned from the lesson and how it has made a difference in their lives.
Our Sabbath School fellowship begins at 9:15 a.m. It is a time of praising God through music, prayers, inspirational thoughts, mission stories, and and small group Bible study. After the opening program, adults and youth separate into their respective classes. There are five adult classes, a young adult class (college/university), a youth class (age 14-18), an earliteen class (age 12-14), a junior class (age 10-12), and several children’s classes. Classes for children between the ages of 0-9 begin immediately at 9:15 a.m. in the lower hall of the church.
For our study and discussions, we use the Bible and the Sabbath School Quarterly. The quarterly is issued each quarter and it consists of 13 lessons. Each lesson divided into seven days and each day we study the designated topic. Each class has a teacher who leads the discussion on Sabbath based on the lesson study for that week.
Sabbath school classes are the heartbeat of our church community. It serves to bring people to Christ through Spirit-filled, Bible-centered programs by providing an atmosphere where persons with different capacities, skills, backgrounds, interests, knowledge and experience can gain insight into the Good News of salvation and grow spiritually.
You are invited to join us as each week at 9:15 a.m. as we spend time learning from the Scriptures and from each other.
Prayer Ministries
What is Prayer?
- Prayer is communion with God.
- Prayer is the voice of faith.
- Prayer is the upward glance to God.
- Prayer is an offering of our desires unto God for things agreeable to His will, with confession of our sins and thankful acknowledgement of His mercies.
- Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.
- It is not necessary to tell God who we are, but we should enable ourselves to receive Him.
- Prayer does not bring God down to us; it brings us up to Him.
The Wednesday night and Sunday morning prayer meetings are for all who wish to attend. You are invited to come and be blessed.
Ongoing Prayer Activities:
- Pray for specific church family members during Divine Service Sabbath.
- Prayer session held every Sabbath after the mid-day worship service.
- Elder(s) on duty each Sabbath and available to pray with members, prospective members, and visitors requesting prayer.
- Weekly Sunday morning prayer group, which meets at 8:00 a.m.
- Weekly Elders' Prayer Circle Sunday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Weekly Wednesday night prayer meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Prayer and fast sessions held the first Sabbath of each quarter.
- Prayer partners, and prayer groups in homes.
- Prayer chains in times of emergency situations.
- Prayer walking (specific streets are targeted and are followed-up by literature distribution in cooperation with Personal Ministries).
- Prayer cards left in homes as we prayer walk, indicating that we prayed for the household and are praying for the community.