The countdown is on for Ontario Conference’s Together with God Virtual Camp Meeting, running Friday evening, August 5, and all-day Sabbath, August 6. Join us for separate programs for adults, teens and young adults on both days, and for children on Sabbath (children’s Sabbath School, children’s church and an evening concert). Our amazing speakers include Dr. Sung Kwon, Andrews University (adults, Friday evening and Sabbath morning), Dr. Kevin Burrell, Burman University (ordination), Pr. Vanessa Hairston, Miami Temple Church (teens), Pr. Aaron Dyer, New Life Fellowship, Andrews University (young adults) and Pr. Gerry Lopez, North American Division (children). For greater accessibility, we will have French, Spanish, and ASL interpretation and Zoom rooms or call-in numbers for seniors or individuals without internet access. We ask that churches remain open for members and visitors to view the programs together. We also strongly encourage members of all ages to participate in community outreach on Sabbath afternoon (12:30 to 3 pm). Looking forward to worshipping together as a family! #togetherwithGod #ReachOntario
Adults – https://YouTube.com/Adventistontario
Children – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqcLaUqygatgC1TmLLX9xqw
Youth – https://YouTube.com/Adventistyouthontario
Young Adults – https://YouTube.com/Adventistyouthontario
Friday Night Connection Cafe
Meeting ID: 980 6166 8879
Passcode: 339930
Sabbath Morning Prayer
Meeting ID: 980 6166 8879
Passcode: 339930
ASL & Phone
Meeting ID: 946 2326 8421
Passcode: 928881
Spanish Interpretation
Meeting ID: 961 1294 0681
Passcode: 986421
French Interpretation
Meeting ID: 969 3515 7919
Passcode: 872793