Bible Class | June 8, 2024


Christians  and Bible study concept. Group of discipleship Studying the Word Of God in church and Christians holding each others hand praying together (Christians  and Bible study concept. Group of discipleship Studying the Word Of God in church and C

Bible Class is held every second and fourth Sabbath afternoons in the main sanctuary of the Ottawa Adventist Church, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The class, which is open to all (youth and adults), aims to nurture and encourage a study of God’s Word, as well as foster a deeper understanding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s 28 Fundamentals Beliefs, which is the focus for the upcoming classes. The class this Sabbath afternoon will continue discussion on belief #2 as we delve into the topics “Who is the Son?” and “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Come, bring a friend and be blessed.

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