This Sabbath, October 7, 2023, is Children`s Sabbath. The children will lead us in worship. Join for the Ottawa Adventist Church worship experience. We look forward to seeing you in person or online!
10:00 AM: Interactive and in-person Sabbath School.
(9:45 AM to 10:45AM: Children’s Sabbath School classes take place in-person for all classes. Visit Childrenzville for more details.)
11:00 AM: Divine Service.
The Divine Service will be streamed on the church’s YouTube channel.
The church bulletin can be viewed here.
Following Divine Service, all are invited to the Prayer and Fasting service, hosted by Prayer Ministries. The theme for the World Church`s Fourth Quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting is Rebuilding the Alter: Praying to be disciples and disciple-makers for Jesus.
3:30 PM: Nature and Praise Walk, sponsored by the Adventist Youth (A.Y.) Department. Location: Champlain Lookout, Gatineau Park (Champlain Parkway, Luskville, QB). Should it rain, the A.Y. program will be held at the church (2200 Benjamin Ave.). We will discuss social media; and, it will be put on trial!
While we return to in-person worship, we are still able to return God’s tithes and give offerings online. From www.AdventistGiving.org, select “Ottawa Adventist Church” or download the AdventistGiving app on your iPhone or Android device. It is both easy and safe. You can also click on the "Giving" menu option from the church’s web site (www.ottawasda.org). From there you can return/give directly via AdventistGiving.org.
Stay safe and God bless.
Be blessed