Join us this Sabbath, November 25, 2023, for the Ottawa Adventist Church worship experience. We look forward to seeing you in person or online!
10:00 AM: Interactive and in-person Sabbath School.
(9:45 AM to 10:45AM: Children’s Sabbath School classes take place in-person for all classes. Visit Childrenzville for more details.)
11:00 AM: Divine Service. Pastor Robert Greaves and a guest, Bro. John Westbrook will present the sermon entitled “Grace That Never Lets Us Go.”
The Divine Service will be streamed on the church’s YouTube channel.
The church bulletin can be viewed online at https://www.ottawasda.org/news-events/bulletin
In the afternoon at 5:30PM, a brainstorming session “Ottawa Adventist at Its Best” will be held in the sanctuary to arrive at the church’s 2024 ministry focus. All are invited as we work together to develop an engaging, uplifting ministry year for 2024. Responses will be driven by the question “What gives life to our church when we are at our best?”
Following the brainstorming session (approximately 6.45 p.m.), the Nominating Committee Report for church officers serving in 2024-2025 will be presented in a detailed first reading by convening a Church Business Session. Please plan on being present. Seniors who worship from home can join by using the prayer line (Zoom ID: 994 3623 6168; Password: 888207).
While we return to in-person worship, we are still able to return God’s tithes and give offerings online. From www.AdventistGiving.org, select “Ottawa Adventist Church” or download the AdventistGiving app on your iPhone or Android device. It is both easy and safe. You can also click on the "Giving" menu option from the church’s web site (www.ottawasda.org). From there you can return/give directly via AdventistGiving.org.
Stay safe and God bless.
Be blessed