Praise Pray-N-Paint this Friday, June 10, 2022, from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Only 15 seats left! Reserve your seat now by emailing alexandra.andre@ottawaadventist.church or send a message to @ottawaadventistyouth on Instagram.
The Ottawa Adventist Church Youth Committee invites you to come and paint with us. The Canadian National Champion ( 2016, 2019) Allan André will walk you step-by-step on how to draw a Biblical painting while praising and singing along to Christian music.
Join us on Zoom and watch or paint along with us at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6015128563?pwd=dlhMNElWcUlmZVcyU1FTL3ZSdTRNdz09
Meeting ID: 601 512 8563
Passcode martine7
On Zoom: Bring a canvas; small, medium, and large paint brushes; yellow, red, blue, black, and white paint; a cup of water; and, a paper towel.
Or just watch!