This Sabbath, June 8, is Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day. See the poster for details on what promises to be a Spirit-filled, uplifting and blessed day! Ladies, you don’t want to miss this. Invite your family, friends, and neighbours. Please help us celebrate by wearing purple on this day - women, children and men.
Held on the second Sabbath each June, the day is recognized by the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. It is an opportunity for women to lead out in a worship service and a time to educate the church regarding the purposes of Women's Ministries. This year’s theme is “God Who Sees.” God sees us wandering in the “deserts” of our lives, in our pain of lost dreams and relationships, and in our shame when we have failed even ourselves. Nothing happens that God doesn’t notice. Our prayer is that you will see how closely God watches over you, that you will pay attention to God at work in your life, and that you will keep your eyes focused on Him.