Bring your stylish self and please join us Friday, August 25 at 5:00 pm at Britannia Beach (near the water and the rock pile) for a picnic and discussion like no other!
Come as you are or dress it up with ties, hats or dresses at our luxury / elegant picnic.
We will be discussing singleness, dating and marriage in the church! This is Part 3 of our heated God-centered chat that we started in February. Don't be late because you will not want miss a second of this dialogue!
Individuals 18 of age and older may attend.
Youth 16 and 17 years old may attend with parental permission.
An alternate program with be provided for those 12-15 years old.
Bring your own chairs if you wish.
Pillows will be provided to sit on.
See you soon!
**Food and beverages will be served**
**Chairs will not be provided**
**If it rains, the picnic will take place at 2191 Benjamin Avenue in the gym**